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April 2005.

News Archive >> "NANA the Movie" Phenomenon

Cookie Magazine"NANA" Phenomenon
Anticipation for the Movie
Written By Lisa

With only one week left till the big screen premiere of "NANA the Movie," excitement have stretched fans world wide. Being one of the most anticipated Japanese films of the year, it has easily won over marketing in every direction. There have been everything from Sanrio NANA plushes to NANA Ten plastic nails. Every entertainment magazine in Japan have been trying to have their piece of "NANA the Movie" by splashing ads and interviews of the cast members. Not only did Mika Nakashima gain herself a large new fan base; New comer Yuna Ito's marketing team have successfully launched her into Jpop society.

A recent Yahoo Japan movie poll have shown that people in Japan are heavily waiting for the arrival of "NANA." Up against six other movies and out of 9,195 votes, "NANA" easily won by a landslide of 6575 votes as the most wanted film being released on September 3rd. (That's winning by 72%!!!) Radio stations around Japan ( like JFN Tokyo FM and Hot Express ) have ranked "Glamorous Sky" among the top 10 for most requested and downloaded song. That's not even adding to the fact that it is currently ranked 6th at Tower Records Japan, and ranked 4th at YesAsia for most pre-ordered single.

There is also a LONG list of magazines that will be featuring full special articles on "NANA the Movie" within the upcoming week. "Cookie," a manga-zine famous for publishing the "NANA" manga is doing a cover feature of the movie. Not only is there a wonderful article featuring "NANA," but a keychain will be given out to fans as a gift. Oricon Style magazine is planning a special "NANA" feature as well in the upcoming issue being released on September 2nd. Here are a few other examples of magazines picking up on the "NANA" phenomenon:

  • Cookie // Now on Sale
  • Cutie // Now on Sale
  • Da Vinci // Now on Sale
  • Myojo // Now on Sale
  • Kera // Now on Sale
  • Nonno - #17 // Now on Sale
  • More - Oct 2005 // Now on Sale
  • Seventeen // Releasing September 1st
  • Oricon Style // Releasing September 2nd
  • R&R Newsmaker // Releasing September 2nd
  • ....and more.