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News Archive >> CD Single Covers Released

NANA the Movie
CD Single Covers Released
Written by Lisa

Glamorous Sky CoverOn August 1st, 2005, Sony Music finally released the cover image for Mika Nakashima's "Glamorous Sky" single. The image is in black and white, with Mika standing against a plain wall wearing punk clothing. The cover was very simple but conveys a very powerful message: Mika is not the one on the cover. Oosaki Nana is. It goes well into the many articles and advertisements that pushes the concept of "Nana starring Mika Nakashima." At the same time, Mika Nakashima's Official Site also updated with "Glamorous Sky's" CD single layout. Sony Music is fully preparing to launch the single in late August, right before "NANA the Movie's" release into theaters. [ Sony Music's Glamorous Sky Site ]

"Glamorous Sky" Single

  1. Glamorous Sky - Theme Song from "NANA"
  2. My Medicine - Song from "NANA"
  3. Blood - Kate CM Song
  4. Isolation
  5. Glamorous Sky - Instrumental
  6. My Medicine - Instrumental

Endless Story CoverImmediately following the release of Mika's CD single cover, Sony Music released Yuna Ito's "Endless Story" CD single cover on August 2nd. It is obvious that Sony is still trying to maintain a level of mystery for Yuna. The cover released is REALLY small-- A person can't even make out Yuna's face. Aside from this, the cover is done in a girlish pink. That is rather surprising considering that the advertisements are pushing for "Reira starring Yuna Ito." Is Reira not the singer from the almighty rock group, "Trapnest?" Why such a girly cover? In my perspective, knowing that Nana and Reira are somewhat "rivals" in the story, Sony does NOT want to make Mika and Yuna to be rivals. This is a somewhat touchy subject because Mika and Yuna are both signed onto the same label. However, the personas that both these girls play in the movie are pitching one against the other for CD sales. If Sony went ahead and made Yuna's CD single to convey a Trapnest "feel," then real life fans might think to "honor" the movie by supporting Nana. Mika fans would buy the "Glamorous Sky" CD single, but would not touch Yuna's "Endless Story" single. In fear of this, Sony Music would not even release Yuna's single the same time as Mika's single. "Glamorous Sky" by Mika Nakashima will be released on August 31st, while Yuna Ito's "Endless Story" single will be released one week after on September 7th. Sony Music is really trying their hardest to not have the fans start a rivalry between Mika and Yuna. [ Sony Music's Endless Story Site ]

"Endless Story" Single

  1. Endless Story - Song from "NANA"
  2. Journey
  3. Endless Story - Instrumental
  4. Journey - Instrumental